Welcome to Kratos International

Kratos has spent the last decade offering educational services in and around Victoria, BC.  This has been in many forms; including private tutoring, science camps, course offerings, and internet resources.

Behind Kratos is me.  I am a home schooling, working mom.  As an educator, I want the best resources available for my child and my students to thrive.  As a busy mom running back and forth with all the chaos that comes from this role, I want the best resources that I can get easily, use easily, and can trust to do what I need them to do.

I am all for user friendly websites and apps.  I love workbooks and other printed material that is all inclusive.  I know that it isn’t a complete educational program to plop a student in front of a screen or give them workbooks to use.  I am saying, however, that for an educator to be effective, there will likely be a need for appropriate and efficient curriculum.  Some of that will likely be using technology, and some will likely be a workbook or text of some kind.

I would love for part of this blog to develop into a place where we can share and review what resources work for ourselves and what we have heard what works for others.

Watch for those reviews, and please feel free to comment here or on my Facebook page with ideas for material to include here.

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